150 - You Are Someone’s Hero - Act Like It

Never meet your heroes…or so the old wisdom tells us. But which heroes? Celebrities? CEO’s? Mentors? Is there a hero scale?

On today’s episode Todd and Joe share their stories of youthful hero worship, and of eventually meeting those heroes. One is a positive, uplifting story about meeting an American Gladiator and fitness model…and asking her to pose for a highschool calendar. The other is a story of meeting a New York Times bestselling author when he was on top of the world, then watching him get canceled in national news for anti-homosexual rhetoric. Todd and Joe then compare notes, and try to answer the question: should you really meet your hero?

In the second half of the show, we talk about small, local heroes. Heroes with a lowercase “h” who nonetheless deserve our respect. We briefly mention the statistics of mentoring, and how profoundly it changes lives at every stage - highschool, college, and career. We talk about volunteering and non-profit work. And we discuss the unspoken barrier that keeps regular folk like us from becoming heroes: time management.

Perhaps it’s better to look up to small heroes? Or, even better, perhaps we should all become small heroes.






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