191 - Helicopter Parenting vs Free Ranging
If hovering over your kids turns them into model citizens, then why do so many helicoptered adults turn out fragile and anxious?

Episode 56 - Qatar & International Sports - Part 2
Migrant workers are dying by the thousands in Qatar to prepare for the FIFA World Cup. Is the thrill of a game worth their sacrifice? Are international sports in general?

190 - Maslow's Hierarchy is Burning
Ideally we all reach ‘self actualization’ at the top of the pyramid. But what happens if our lower blocks get sabotaged by our job? Or addiction? Or by society?

Episode 54 -Doug Blevins & Mentorship
At best mentors get footnoted during award speeches. At worst they get forgotten. Yet 76% of professionals claim mentorship is vital to success.

189 - Hungry vs Happy
Steve Jobs said “stay hungry”...but will staying hungry make you happy? Or are highly motivated people secretly miserable?

Episode 55 - Qatar & International Sports - Part 1
Migrant workers are dying by the thousands in Qatar to prepare for the FIFA World Cup. Is the thrill of a game worth their sacrifice? Are international sports in general?

188 - Debating Your Way Into Greatness Part 3
How do we counterpunch any argument? Is there a secret ‘finishing move’, linguistically, that we can use to win any debate?

187 - Debating Your Way Into Greatness Part 2
How far can the power of persuasion take us? And does money win over substance every time?

186 - Debating Your Way Into Greatness Part 1
What if the ability to change hearts and minds could be cultivated into a superpower?

185 - The UnitedHealthcare Murder was Justified According To This Generation
According to polls, a shocking number of Americans support Luigi Mangione and the murder of Brian Thompson. What does that say about our shifting morality as a country?

Episode 53 - Lal Bihari & Errand Paralysis
We have self-driving cars and AI assistants smart enough to manage our schedules. So why is Errand Paralysis so persistent? Because businesses need you to feel fatigued, that’s why.

Episode 52 - Laura Ingalls Wilder & Values
Are moral values given to us by our parents? Are they just arbitrary rules put on us by society? Or have morals “evolved” with us?

184 - Why Small Town Living Won't Heal Your Soul
Clean air, low crime, and people who smile when you pass by…so if small towns are so great, why are people leaving?

Episode 51 - Winston Churchill & Encouragement
What type of encouragement really motivates us, negative encouragement or positive? And which political figure was so good at encouragement he was said to have “mobilized the english language and sent it into battle...”?

Episode 50 - Mark Twain & Humor
Studies consistently list humor as the number one trait for desirability and attractiveness, regardless of gender. So...how do we get funny?

183 - Why Some States Are Giving Away Free College
Colleges are still raising prices, even while faith in higher education plummets. So why are local governments offering free rides to these overpriced institutions?

Episode 49 - General Grant & Compassion Fatigue
Numbers make us numb. But how big does a death count have to get before our eyes glaze over? What’s the optimum number of victims to make us care?

182 - Free Will Is A Myth (But We Need It Anyway)
How much free will do we really have? Can we choose not to be angry at the news? To not eat or drink? Can we “choose” how we feel about our boss? Or our spouse?

Episode 48 - Liu Guojiang & Love
Is it love we’re feeling, or is it lust? What’s the difference, chemically? More importantly, how long can love really last, and how do we keep it going into old age?

Episode 47-William Coltharp Hustle
How do we push ourselves to start hustling? Vision boards? Goals? Motivational videos every morning? Well, we have some stats