Episode 101 This Is How Companies Hold Dream Jobs Hostage

Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life. But what if employers know you’re willing to work for cheap (or free) when it’s something you love?

Dream jobs usually come in one of two flavors. Wildly ambitious like Rock Star or Astronaut. Or down-to-earth like Video Game Designer, Writer, or Musician. Well, we have bad news for you dreamers out there. We’ve compiled a list of average salaries for the most attainable dream jobs in America, and you’ll be surprised what corporations will do with the benefits and pay packages when they know folks will work them out of love.

We also got a chance to interview someone who worked their dream job right out of college - an intern at the Disney College Program. She’ll give us a peak at what the happiest place on earth looks like for the people who work there at a financial loss. All so they can live their dream and wear a big pair of Mickey ears to their day-job.

Finally, we take a look at some interesting statistics about Millennials, who seem to be working their dream jobs in record numbers. Yet despite being the largest labor force, Millenials are also the poorest working generational group in America today. Coincidence?

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Episode 102 Why You Should Consider Entrepreneurship Post-Covid


Episode 100 My Father Was A "Death of Despair" - He Won't Be The Last