148 - The Connector Codebook

It’s not what you know, it’s who you know. But if that’s true then how do we purposely cultivate extensive, valuable connections?

On today’s episode we’ll get advice from Chris Wilkes, a professional connector who’s worked in senior management for companies like Apple, eBay, and Nike. He’ll share some tips on how to turn rivals into friends and how to feed and nurture a network of skilled individuals - even when that network has expanded beyond your personal Dunbar Number.

Then we’ll compare our pro’s tips with some true stories and anecdotes from the life and autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, the original connector of connectors. We’ll talk about how ‘ol Ben managed to build the first public library in America while he was visiting France (a tough feat in an era without phones) and we’ll learn why he gave a town full of admirers a bunch of old books instead of a church bell (like they’d asked for.) We’ll also talk about Ben Franklin’s list of virtues, chiefly about humility, and how all of his virtues were secretly about being a better connector. Finally we’ll break down the “Benjamin Franklin Effect” and explore why asking your worst enemies to do minor favors for you might sound counter-intuitive, but is probably the best chance to transform foe into friend, without them suspecting they’re having their mind changed.








Episode 13 - Denali the Eagle & Nature


Episode 12 - Da Vinci, Machiavelli, & Polar Opposite Collaborators