Episode 136 - The Mirror Test and Self Awareness

New studies show that meditation doesn’t always lead to self awareness. So what does?

Todd and Joe are hard at work writing the book for The Re-Engineered You. But during the research phase, Joe uncovered some interesting tidbits about self-awareness. Specifically research from PlosOne and BBC that regular meditation doesn’t guarantee self-awareness. In fact, too much “mindfulness exercise” can lead to negative ideation, dwelling, and depression. Meaning all that time on the yoga mat may be opening more than your third eye. You might be opening yourself up to extra stress…if you're not asking the right questions of yourself.

Furthermore, the true keys to self awareness aren’t necessarily found in being hyper-intelligent, either. Joe and Todd refer back to one of their earliest podcast subjects, William James Sidis, the smartest man in history. With a little extra digging into history, they compare his health condition (high blood pressure) to the medicine available within his lifetime to ask a very important question: Could hyper-intelligence save William? Or would a smidgeon of self-awareness have been enough to keep him alive past 40?





Episode 137 - Bad Boys and Good Boys - Why Prisoners Train Service Dogs


Episode 135 - The Hidden Dark Side of Helper's High