177 - You vs Your Genetics Part 2

Can you change your genetics through diet and discipline? What about your stress level? Your IQ? Your earning potential?

In this episode we continue our talk about the field epigenetics, and attempt to bust the top three claims being made by epigenetic researchers. Health, wealth, and longevity are supposedly malleable and changeable, to a degree, thanks to practices that reverse DNA methylation (aging). But how firm is the science of changing our bodies and minds? Are there any proven cases of people living longer, thanks to adopting a DNA-friendly diet? Or is this another case of self-help brands disguising themselves as cutting edge data?

First we discuss conscientiousness - the Big Five trait that’s been proven to make more money - and we look at the Universities claiming to have isolated the genes linked to conscientious attitudes and behaviors. Then we’ll move on to metabolic health, immune function, and longevity, aka the plumbing inside the Fountain of Youth. We’ll talk about the very real, very early studies that have been proven to extend human life by several years. Through which we’ll introduce Steve Horvath, the doctor leading the Genetic Clock Project, and we’ll explain why he can tell your age, and life expectancy, with just a drop of your blood.









Episode - 42 Napoleon & Manipulation


176 - You vs Your Genetics Part 1