172 - Hopeless Masculinity

Is there really a “male epidemic” going on? And why has treating young men as a societal nuisance backfired so spectacularly?

Why are young men so annoying? So volatile? So full of puppy-like energy? And how has the government’s policy of defunding the younger generations, according to Professor Scott Galloway, led to mass suicide and mass toxicity in younger men? Today we explore how and why young men have been stripped of hope for the future, as an age cohort, and what we can do to get it back.

First we introduce the challenges being faced by young men which include a lack of opportunities, an era of economic struggle, and the loss of higher education among middle and lower classes. Then we’ll cover the high rates of suicide and depression among young men, and the disturbing lack of guidance from older males who consider them a nuisance. We’ll also talk about the terrible toxic role models who have offered themselves for teens to model themselves after, and the truly poisonous advice that Youtube and Google algorithms prioritize to curious teenagers online.

Finally, we’ll get to the root causes of long-term male hopelessness, like financial instability, loneliness, and loss of identity. If the cornerstone of building a positive masculine identity is job stability, family, and home ownership, then as voters we couldn’t have designed a better system for depriving young men of hope for the future.


Suicide rates in teens.


Boys and men commit suicide at a rate of 3-to-1 in civilized countries.


Colleges losing male applicants and graduates.


Opinion: Scott Galloway, Prof. NY Stern: Why young, lonely, broke men are a danger to society.


Opinion: Jimmy Carr (comedian) podcast interview about young men’s lack of opportunities:


Suicide and Crisis Hotline:



Episode 38 - Ildefonso & Emotional Granularity


Episode 37 - Evel Knievel & Self Promotion