Episode 93 -Russian Expansion is Doomed to Fail (According to The Fate of Empires)

While news focuses on the next five minutes of the Russia-Ukraine war, we take a look at the total expected lifespan of an empire, and how Russia and America are already teetering.

The bombs are dropping and Joe has a bone to pick with Russia. Or, more accurately, he has insights about modern-day empires that are showing signs of collapse. Russia and its attempts to “cling to its children.” America and its love of celebrity chefs. The US prioritization of corporations owning land over its citizens owning land. All of these are pretty solid signs that an empire has overstayed its welcome and is ready to shrink or go bust. This, according to a very old book written by an award-winning imperialist during the collapse of an older, more successful empire. Great Britain.

Todd and Joe also talk about the human cost of the upcoming Ukraine invasion, and share their reactions to seeing the news on the 24th of February.

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Episode 94- The Truth About Why Olympic Athletes “Die Twice”


Episode 92 - Omicron & Skepticism