Episode 53 - Lal Bihari & Errand Paralysis
We have self-driving cars and AI assistants smart enough to manage our schedules. So why is Errand Paralysis so persistent? Because businesses need you to feel fatigued, that’s why.
Episode 52 - Laura Ingalls Wilder & Values
Are moral values given to us by our parents? Are they just arbitrary rules put on us by society? Or have morals “evolved” with us?
Episode 51 - Winston Churchill & Encouragement
What type of encouragement really motivates us, negative encouragement or positive? And which political figure was so good at encouragement he was said to have “mobilized the english language and sent it into battle...”?
Episode 50 - Mark Twain & Humor
Studies consistently list humor as the number one trait for desirability and attractiveness, regardless of gender. So...how do we get funny?
Episode 49 - General Grant & Compassion Fatigue
Numbers make us numb. But how big does a death count have to get before our eyes glaze over? What’s the optimum number of victims to make us care?
Episode 47-William Coltharp Hustle
How do we push ourselves to start hustling? Vision boards? Goals? Motivational videos every morning? Well, we have some stats
Episode 46 - Google & Building the Perfect Team
What does the perfect corporate team look like? Is it all introverts? All Extroverts? Is it a team full of all-stars? Google found the answer...and it’s surprising.
Episode 44 - Dan Fogelberg & Measuring Success
We talk a lot about mega-success stories like Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos, but what about winners who measure success without using money as their yardstick?
Episode - 42 Napoleon & Manipulation
Guilt, fear, and social obligation...these are the tools of the manipulator. So how do we spot skilled manipulators, and where do they hone their skills in the first place?
Episode 39 - Writing Your Book
Todd and Joe have both stumbled through publishing in very different ways. Today they share horror stories about writing, and talk about the current state of publishing.
Episode 38 - Ildefonso & Emotional Granularity
Precisely identifying our emotions can save our sanity and lessen heartbreak. So why, as adults, do we limit our emotional vocabulary to ‘fine’ or ‘meh’?
Episode 37 - Evel Knievel & Self Promotion
There’s a fine line between bragging and self-promoting. So how do we find that line? And how do we put it on our job resume’?
Episode 36 - Frank Sinatra, Ava Gardner & Toxic Relationships
When is a relationship unsalvageable? When is it too toxic to survive? And how do you pull a dysfunctional relationship out of a nosedive?
Episode 35 - Eminem & Celebrity Insulation
We read celebrity tweets, watch celebrity interviews, and listen to celebrity podcasts. They’re our entertainment and our royalty. But should we look to them for our morals? Our politics?
Episode 34 - Berry Gordy & Creative Competition
Not everything has to be a competition...but maybe it should be. When creative people compete, everyone can win, and we’re going to explore how.
Episode 33 - Orson Welles & First Impressions
What’s the most important ingredient for making a good first impression? Is it body language? Is it the value you project? And will someone please tell us what to do with our hands?!
Episode 32 - Didier Lobard & Meanness
We all need to be tough in life. But how far can we take ‘tough’ before we’re just being mean? What about tough CEO’s? When do we get to blame them for bullying?
Episode 31 - McArthur Wheeler & Self Perception
We can never really know how others see us. But with some awareness and the right tools, we can get pretty darn close. Today’s episode; Self Perception!
Episode 30 - Troy Hurtubise & Creative Obsession
All great artists, creators, composers, and inventors have their obsession. But how far is too far? And how do we channel obsession into rewarding passion?
Episode 29 - Mr Rogers & Being Nice
If you’re truly nice, then you’re treated like a doormat. And if you’re fake-nice, then it means you want something. So, are there any benefits at all to being nice in this life?