Byron & Toxic Relationships

How much criticism should we accept from our partner? When do we really know the relationship is unsalvageable? And what gross stalker momento did Lady Caroline mail to Lord Byron?

Show Notes:

We’re all confident in our ability to spot dysfunction in relationships. That is, until we find ourselves pouring gasoline on our partner’s clothes on the front lawn. Maybe we’ve gotten too comfortable, and the ‘spark’ has gone out. Maybe our witty observations have strayed too far into criticism. Maybe we just want to fix the dysfunction before it gets out of hand.

In today’s episode we talk about dysfunctional relationships, and we bust the three myths that surround the subject; Dysfunctional people are easy to avoid. Dysfunctional relationships are easy to spot and get out of. And all dysfunctional relationships are doomed.

To ground us in the reality of dysfunction, we also take a look at a historic example of a world-class dysfunctional partnership; the explosive fling between the poet Lord Byron and his lover Lady Caroline Lamb. Then we explore the behavior science and family patterns that set us up for dysfunctional behavior, and we talk about the work and self-awareness involved in making a failing partnership work again.

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Science Links:


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