Episode 26 - Anna Delvey & Class

Did you know that the quickest indicator of your socioeconomic class is in the way you speak? And that hiring managers will base your salary on your class? Yay classism!

Stay classy, ya’ll! Because today we’re talking about socioeconomic class. Starting with how much class will affect your earning potential throughout your lifetime (a lot) if socioeconomic class will determine where you live (it will) and if you have any control over how people perceive your class (you do!)

As an added bonus, we’ll play a game of “classy or just rich?” to see if we, as Americans, can tell the difference between class and money. And we’ll get into the subtle facial and speech clues that broadcast to others whether you’re Gucci or Wal-Mart.

Lastly, we’ll talk about Anna Delvey. AKA Anna Sorokin. The daughter of a Russian trucker who almost fooled a network of high-class socialites into loaning her $25 million dollars for an art club. The list of people Anna conned is pretty impressive, and includes several well-known celebrities. And she did it all with a few well-placed hundred-dollar bills, and a hard-to-nail-down foreign accent.

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Episode 27-Linda Riss & Attraction


Episode 25 - Lisa Nowak & Romantic Obsession