Episode 95-How Inventing Anna Misses The Lesson About Classism

Surely Netflix wouldn’t reduce the real Anna Delvey down to a “lazy girlboss revenge fantasy” - would they?

One of the earliest and most popular Re-Engineered You episodes was that of Anna Delvey. The Russian girl who studied under fashion magazine editors to discover the “one weird trick” to conning wealthy American elites into loving her. A trick she then used to get a $25 million dollar loan for her exclusive art club. How close did she come to getting her gallery despite having no money, no backers, and no inheritance? Well, you can go back and listen to our original episode for the answer. Or you can watch the new Netflix docudrama if you want a fictionalized, caramelized, Wolf of Wallstreet version of Anna.

Today Todd and Joe talk about their experience watching the new Anna Delvey show, and compare it to the original article that was published in the New York Magazine. We’ll also ask why the show creators would shout out Anna’s relationship to modern classism if they weren’t planning to explore it. And we’ll speculate about why they replaced the real-life journalist who broke the story, with a fictional character who basically hits all the same notes.

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Episode 96 - Frances Glassner Lee & Discovering Purpose


Episode 94- The Truth About Why Olympic Athletes “Die Twice”