Episode 23 - Killdozer & Micro Stress

It’s the final straw that breaks the camel’s back...but how many straws can we take? How bad is day-to-day stress for us, really, compared to the big life events?

When we complain about stress, we tend to focus on the big ‘stress events’ in life. Getting fired. Breaking up with our boyfriend or girlfriend. Taking the kids to the doctor. Getting bad news from the doctor…But over-all life stress; the stress that saps us, and leaves us unmotivated and cranky...that comes from the thousand of little ‘stress cuts’ we receive throughout the day, doesn’t it?

On today's episode we talk about the health toll micro-stresses take on our bodies, and if it’s really worth dealing with nagging co-workers and annoying neighbors. We also talk about one of the most entertaining rampages in American history; The Colorado Killdozer incident, and we discuss the day-to-day annoyances and stresses that drove Marvin Heemeyer to crack and wreck up a small town with his home-made bullet-proof tank.

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Episode 24 - Lee Iacocca & Quitting


Episode 22 - Joseph Hatch & Villainy