Episode 33 - Orson Welles & First Impressions

What’s the most important ingredient for making a good first impression? Is it body language? Is it the value you project? And will someone please tell us what to do with our hands?!

On today’s episode we talk about the science, and the most common misbelief, about making a good first impression. Whether you’re trying to impress your new boss, the in-laws, or an interviewer, we’ve got your back on. First we’ll use psychology to design the worst first-impression possible, so we know what not to do. Then we’ll talk about the most important element of making a good impression. And no; it’s no driving an expensive sportscar. It’s much simpler, and much cheaper, and it involves coming off as a trustworthy member of the tribe.

We’ll also talk about the now-infamous blowout fight between Ernest Hemingway and Orson Welles, and why the two men took to fisticuffs in a smokey little projection room. We’ll discuss how these two should have been best buds, on-paper (both writers, both prodigious drinkers, both in love with Spain and bullfighting) but ended up discrediting each other’s careers. In part because of their initial sour meeting.

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Episode 34 - Berry Gordy & Creative Competition


Episode 32 - Didier Lobard & Meanness