Episode 38 - Ildefonso & Emotional Granularity

Precisely identifying our emotions can save our sanity and lessen heartbreak. So why, as adults, do we limit our emotional vocabulary to ‘fine’ or ‘meh’?

In past episodes The Re-Engineered You has talked about several different studies covering emotional granularity. During our Rejection episode, we covered how emotional granularity (identifying the micro emotions one feels during rejection) can lessen the heartache of rejection. In our Meanness episode we talked about a study wherein the US Military teamed up with researcher at University of Pennsylvania - to utilize emotional granularity to build up the mental toughness of soldiers. And in our Loneliness episode we came across articles about how identifying the exact social needs you are lacking, will allow you to target those needs to get them fulfilled in a healthy way.

So today, we’re bringing all our separate research points home. We’re discussing emotional granularity, everything we’ve learned behind the scenes about using the language of self-awareness. And we’ll be discussing a story about a man who grew up without a language of any kind. Specifically, the moment he realized everything in the world has a name, and that naming a thing gives you power over it. Just like emotions.

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Episode 39 - Writing Your Book


Episode 37 - Evel Knievel & Self Promotion