Episode 87 - Ray Parker Jr & Delusions of Grandeur

Dreams of stardom, fame, wealth, and success...how do we know when we’re dreaming too big? Wouldn’t we be better off taking nice, safe jobs and keeping our dreams realistic?

Our show today was inspired by the documentary Hired Guns on Amazon - which explores the lives of session musicians who are talented enough to become mega-hit rockstars, but fell just short of getting their names on album covers. We’ll use their hard work and struggle as a model for delusions of grandeur. Or, more precisely, we’ll use the life of Ray Parker Jr - famed session musician - as our model for how to overcome the delusion portion, and fight our way to greatness. How to model our path to success on realistic expectations and hard work.

We’ll also discuss the criteria used to diagnose the very real disorders that accompany delusions of grandeur. And we’ll share practical advice on how to budget, plan for, and navigate your own greatness. That way if you’re an aspiring artist, writer, actor, or musician, you’ll have a practical roadmap. Not just the classic Hollywood advice of ‘risk everything and move to a new city.’

History Links:





Science Links:



https://www.6seconds.org/2020/01/25/the-great-practice-myth-debunking-the-10000-hour-rule/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Process_Thinking


Episode 88 - Tashrima Hossain & Saying ‘No’


Episode 86-Benedict Arnold Trustworthiness Part 3