Episode 56 - Qatar & International Sports - Part 2
Migrant workers are dying by the thousands in Qatar to prepare for the FIFA World Cup. Is the thrill of a game worth their sacrifice? Are international sports in general?

Episode 54 -Doug Blevins & Mentorship
At best mentors get footnoted during award speeches. At worst they get forgotten. Yet 76% of professionals claim mentorship is vital to success.

Episode 55 - Qatar & International Sports - Part 1
Migrant workers are dying by the thousands in Qatar to prepare for the FIFA World Cup. Is the thrill of a game worth their sacrifice? Are international sports in general?

Episode 53 - Lal Bihari & Errand Paralysis
We have self-driving cars and AI assistants smart enough to manage our schedules. So why is Errand Paralysis so persistent? Because businesses need you to feel fatigued, that’s why.

Episode 52 - Laura Ingalls Wilder & Values
Are moral values given to us by our parents? Are they just arbitrary rules put on us by society? Or have morals “evolved” with us?

Episode 50 - Mark Twain & Humor
Studies consistently list humor as the number one trait for desirability and attractiveness, regardless of gender. So...how do we get funny?

Episode 48 - Liu Guojiang & Love
Is it love we’re feeling, or is it lust? What’s the difference, chemically? More importantly, how long can love really last, and how do we keep it going into old age?

Episode 88 - Tashrima Hossain & Saying ‘No’
Managers are raising their rates, but how much money would it take to keep you locked into an abusive job? For 100k a year, would you be a Powerpoint punching bag?

Episode 85 -Benedict Arnold Radical Honesty Part 2
Did you know the movie Liar Liar was based on a real movement in Psychotherapy? Make a wish! Because today we want to know - what would happen if we never lied?

Episode 84-Benedict Arnold Trustworthiness Part 1
Every year articles emerge touting one virtue as the pinnacle of all business virtues - trustworthiness. How do we square this with the success of shady companies like Facebook?

Episode 81- Dick Fuld Charisma Part 2
What is Charisma? A charming smile? A warm handshake? Being tall? Maybe functional charisma is more practical. Maybe it’s something we can master and use tactically.

Episode 80 - Dick Fuld Charisma Part 1
What is Charisma? A charming smile? A warm handshake? Being tall? Maybe functional charisma is more practical. Maybe it’s something we can master and use tactically.

Episode 79 - Re-Engineered You Updates: Part 3
This week we bring you news on all your favorite past Re-Engineered episodes, including Granularity, Compassion Fatigue, and Love. You’re welcome!

Episode 78- Re-Engineered You Updates: Part 2
News from the field of emotional intelligence keeps coming, along with more science and history to add to our favorite classic episodes.

Episode 77 - Re-Engineered You Updates: Part 1
The best thing about self-awareness, science, and history? It keeps growing! On this episode we revisit show classics, and top them off with bonus brain-stretching facts and news!

Episode 73 - Daniel Dancer & Frugality
If wealth is sexy, then why is it such a turn-off to date a penny-pincher? And how much money can coupon-cutting and leftovers really save in the end?

Episode 72 - James Arthur Ray & Gurus
Life Coach. Spiritual Advisor. Financial Planner. These are very different professions, but unscrupulous Gurus pretend to be all three. So...how do we become Gurus?

Episode 71 - Spirit Warriors & Self Help Gurus
How dangerous is it to follow a sage? Or a self-help guru? And did James Arthur Ray actually help his followers find inner power, right before he steamed them to death?

Episode 70 - TV Journalists & Progress in America
Riots are overtaking the streets, murderers are running unchecked, and gunshots are as common as fireworks...if you believe the evening news. So statistically, how bad is America, really?

Episode 69 - TV Journalists & Progress in America
Riots are overtaking the streets, murderers are running unchecked, and gunshots are as common as fireworks...if you believe the evening news. So statistically, how bad is America, really?